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Screencast: Configuring Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widgets to use Form Design Elements
12/07/2009 12:13 AM by Chris Toohey
I've gotten a lot of questions on how to add the Lotus Notes Client Sidebar widget from my OpenNTF application Time Tracker - which uses a Form Design Element named widget - to the Lotus Notes Client Sidebar.
Knowing I've talked about this in the past, I thought I'd search my site for the answers... and came across this screencast for another open source solution that issues remote console commands to one or many IBM Lotus Domino Servers (which also has a WAP/mobile UI for you road warrior admins) named SOTU v0.3.
Screencast: Configuring Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widgets to use Form Design ElementsThis screencast is best viewed at fullscreen and runs 1 minute 44 seconds.
So, to create your Time Tracker Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widget, you just need to follow the Notes URL syntax discussed here:
Notes://Domino Server Name or blank of
Local/Database Name/widget?OpenForm
... when successfully added, you'll get your Time Tracker Lotus Notes Sidebar Widget!