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Remote Console v1.0 - IBM Lotus Domino Remote Console Command App for your iPhone, BlackBerry, or Web Browser!
07/19/2010 01:58 AM by Chris Toohey
Remote Console is an IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application (for Releases 6.0 and above) that allows you -- the Lotus Domino Administrator -- to create a list of Lotus Domino Console Commands accessible via smartphones (including the iPhone and BlackBerry mobile devices) and web browsers (including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome).
You can maintain the list of Console Commands via the Lotus Notes Client application user interface (Admin Client), which gives you the ability to restrict access to individual Server and Command Documents. You can perform Remote Console Commands against defined Domino Servers via the Web Browser or Mobile Device application user interface (User Client).
Remote Console v1.0 Demo
Initial Setup
After downloading this application, it is highly recommended you do the following:
- Sign this Application with a Lotus Notes ID that has at least Full Remote Console Administration access (although Full Access is recommended) and the ability to run unrestricted methods and operations on the target Lotus Domino Servers.
- Give at least one account -- most likely the Lotus Notes ID your signing this application with -- the [isAdmin] User Role. The [isAdmin] User Role give you full read-access to any Server or Command documents regardless of the individual Readers field population.
Adding Server Documents to Remote Console
By selecting New Server from the Home screen, you can create a new Domino Server listing for Remote Console.
On each Server Document, you can specify the Server and the Readers, each from your current Domino Directory. For the Server, simply select the Domino Server from the Domino Address Book selector. The Readers field allows you to restrict who can access an individual IBM Lotus Domino Server from the client-version of Remote Console.
When the Readers field is populated with any number of names, only those individuals listed in the Readers field (and anyone in the Application Control List {ACL} with the [isAdmin] User Role) will see that Server listing.
When the Readers field is blank, all users will see that Server listing.
You can create, edit, and delete as many Server Documents as you have access to in your IBM Lotus Domino environment. You (or the Lotus Notes ID signing this application) will need the appropriate levels of access to the listed IBM Lotus Domino Servers. Security considerations are discussed in the Initial Setup section above.
Adding Command Documents to Remote Console
By selecting New Command from the Home screen, you can create a new Command for the highlighted/selected Server Document.
On each Command Document, you can specify the following:
Field | Contents/Usage |
Description | A simplified/easy to recognize title for your command. The Description will appear as the label for each Command listing in the User Client application user interface. |
Categories | Categories can be used to group together like Commands, such as Server-specific, Mail Routing, Regional designations, etc. They serve no functional purpose within the application. |
Command | The actual Console Command intended to be submitted by the user. tell http restart, for example, will quit and load the HTTP Task on the target IBM Lotus Domino Server. |
Readers | As with the Server Document, the Readers field can be used to restrict who can view/access the Command Document. |
Viewing Remote Console Logs
To view Remote Console Logs, simply select View Logs from the Home screen. This will open the Transaction Logs listing, and allow you to see any Remote Console requests submitted by the User Clients.
Remote Console on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Safari Browser/Webkit Clients
Using the iWebkit Framework, Remote Console is proud to support Webkit-rendering clients, including the iPhone, iPad, and more!
Simply point your Webkit-rendering client (Web Browser or Mobile Device) to the following URL schema:
This will launch the User Client, allowing you -- post-authentication -- to submit Admin Client-maintained Remote Console Commands!
Remote Console is proud to support multiple clients, including the most Web Browser and mobile devices inlcuding the RIM BlackBerry Browser!
Simply point your client (Web Browser or Mobile Device) to the following URL schema:
This will launch the User Client, allowing you -- post-authentication -- to submit Admin Client-maintained Remote Console Commands!
Remote Console v1.0 is licensed per domain. You can have unlimited users using Remote Console on unlimited IBM Lotus Notes Domino Servers within your single domain for only $5.
Purchase & Download
You can purchase your copy of Remote Console now for only $5. That's right,
for only $5, you could allow your Helpdesk to unclog routers,
allow your sysadmin colleagues to issue dbcache flush
should they need to restore a file at the OS level, or even restart Domino HTTP
Services from your iPhone or BlackBerry without having to boot up your laptop,
VPN into your corporate infrastructure, load the Lotus Domino Administration
Client, and issue the tell http restart
You can also send the purchase URL to your fellow IBM Lotus Professionals: