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Upcoming Webinar: Gamification of Enterprise Applications with IBM Domino XPages II
08/08/2013 11:43:00 AM by Chris Toohey
I'm current writing the demo and slidedeck for my latest session, Gamification of Enterprise Applications with IBM Domino XPages II... in which
our heroes find the princess in the other castle we'll cover leveling up employees through user experience design and driving business process through the application of gaming tactics and industry-tested psychological ploys.
In other words, this session is Level 2.
Here's the session summary:
In this session, we will further explore the adoption of gaming tactics in enterprise applications using IBM Notes Domino XPages. Learn how to create fully-interactive user experiences for your applications that foster collaboration and automate business logic. Find out how to spot jobs and tasks within your organization that can benefit from gamifying process and the apps that drive it. We'll also review the light and dark side of gaming and user psychology, and how lessons learned here can boost employee performance and make for more effective users.
This webinar is scheduled for August 20th, 2013 at 2PM (Eastern US), and here's the registration page (required to attend).
For those of you who have attended these webinars in the past, you'll know I leave a good 15-20 minutes for an open Q&A (sometimes on-topic, sometimes not), so attending the webinar live has its benefits.
(Note: Turn-out and participation drives these webinars, not only having a solid Q&A at the end of the session... but also being able to justify to my bosses that these webinars discussing trending development topics specifically for our platform are critical -- so register, already!)
Have you attended my previous webinars? If you attended or were unable to attend, let me know in the comments below. And don't forget to Share/Like/+1 this post to help spread the word!
... now back to my demo (which, spoiler, is extremely sales/sales-support focused)!